Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Valentine's Day isn't just for Hallmark!

To me Valentine's Day is every day...a time to let those around you know that they are loved and appreciated! Imagine if we celebrated each day that way? I believe relationships would be stronger, commitments would be more genuine and as a whole, people would be more happy! I reflected on these very thoughts as I sat at my workspace the last couple of days making Valentine's Day gift tags. Love is a choice and we need to choose to express our love more than one day out of the year!

That's why I do what I do at YOUniquelyyours! I believe handmade gifts are one great way to extend a message of love by giving someone something that is as unique as they are! It's sure to be a memory they will never forget (not to mention want to throw away!) As I look at my refrigerator and boxes in my basement, the things that I have displayed (or set aside) are those handmade things from my young children, husband, and others close to me. It's the thought that counts, right?!??!

Well, here are a  few of the gift tags for Valentine's Day that I have created. They are posted on Etsy for sale!

Hope you are inspired to love a little more today! It will make a difference!!!

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