Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Memories for you, Memories for me!

This week I have hit the ground running, setting a goal for myself to sew 2 blankets and list them per day! That is a huge venture with 3 little ones at home, but it's a wonder what motivation, nap times, and a little boost of adrenaline at night will do for you! I have kept up with my goal so far and have posted some great blankets, hoping someone can find use for them!


Anyhow, sewing is a special time for me. I am able to borrow my Grandmother's sewing machine, which is quite old at this point, but so vibrant with memories for me. My Grandmother was a wonderful seamstress, and I am so blessed to be able to sit at the bench and sew away! (It must run in the family, because my mom is a great seamstress as well!) So, as I make each blanket I think of the wonderful homes they are going to and hoping that they even create half as many memories for each person as I have while I sew them! There is a story behind every good thing! I hope to pass on the beginnings of those stories!!! Here are some pics of my new creations!!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Speaking of Love...

I just had to write about my favorite movie, as we are approaching Valentine's Day....FIREPROOF!!!! If you haven't seen it, go rent it and sit down with your loved ones and see it. You won't regret it at all! I love the message of commitment and sacrificial love that this movie portrays! It excites me to love those around me more, and to constantly serve my husband no matter what! And I still consider myself the blessed one to be married to him and to be surrounded by loving family and friends!

Here's a link to the trailer!!!! Go see and it and post comments!!!


If that doesn't convince you...listen to the words of this song:


And the final plug...this gets me every time. Listen to this humble apology! (Probably everyone has been in a situation where they have deserved an apology and dreamt of this!)


What do you think of this movie??

Valentine's Day isn't just for Hallmark!

To me Valentine's Day is every day...a time to let those around you know that they are loved and appreciated! Imagine if we celebrated each day that way? I believe relationships would be stronger, commitments would be more genuine and as a whole, people would be more happy! I reflected on these very thoughts as I sat at my workspace the last couple of days making Valentine's Day gift tags. Love is a choice and we need to choose to express our love more than one day out of the year!

That's why I do what I do at YOUniquelyyours! I believe handmade gifts are one great way to extend a message of love by giving someone something that is as unique as they are! It's sure to be a memory they will never forget (not to mention want to throw away!) As I look at my refrigerator and boxes in my basement, the things that I have displayed (or set aside) are those handmade things from my young children, husband, and others close to me. It's the thought that counts, right?!??!

Well, here are a  few of the gift tags for Valentine's Day that I have created. They are posted on Etsy for sale!

Hope you are inspired to love a little more today! It will make a difference!!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I'm a Tweeter now! Now what?

Ok...So, I've entered the world of Twitter, and I have to admit, I don't really know what I'm doing! I've never considered myself technologically challenged, and I still don't, that's why I'm a little confused! How do you get people to follow you when you put a tweet out there? I'm just another tweeter trying to find my way! So if you want to...I'm out there:


I hope to traffic some people towards my website and etsy!!!! Wish me luck!!!!